Environment Myanmar Cooperative- EMC Co. Ltd.  is a leading resource and environmental consultant group which includes current and former university staffs working in various disciplines related to environmental, social, health and resource management.

The group was formed as an academic research group in the University of Yangon in 1996, while there was to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment survey on the proposed Namkok Hydropower Project in southern Shan State. 

In 1997, biodiversity survey in relation to the environmental management was conducted for the Total Exploration and Production Myanmar Ltd.  along the Total gas pipeline area in Tanintharyi Region.

The academic group carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment Project for Yeywar Hydropower project with special focus on the Aquatic Ecology and identification of the possible impacts on the aquatic fauna and flora in 1998. 

Based on the experience of the environment related field works, a multidisciplinary team was formed as an environmental consultant group composed of biologists, geologists, engineers, medical doctors and geographers in 2000. Most of the academic staffs of this group became members of Environment Myanmar Cooperative.  Therefore, Environment Myanmar Cooperative was established with the people from different disciplines and supported by the academic consultants such as retired and current professors and prominent scientists who have keen interest on environmental and resource management.

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